Parcel Taxes

Sitting of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel -  February 12, 2025

  • Bald Mountain Sewer
  • Bald Mountain Water
  • Burnum Water
  • Cobble Hill Village Sewer
  • Cowichan Bay Sewer
  • Saltair Water (Jurisdiction 765 – Duncan Rural)
  • Sentinal Ridge Sewer
  • Shawnigan Lake North Water
  • Shell Beach Water
  • Youbou Street Lighting

The Cowichan Valley Regional District has prepared the 2025 Parcel Tax Roll for levying parcel taxes. Letters were sent to the property owners who will be assessed a parcel tax for the first time in the above-noted service areas. 

Owners of properties located in the above-mentioned service areas can view the roll at the Regional District office in Duncan. The purpose of the Parcel Tax Roll Review is to verify the information for all property owner(s) is accurate, as it is essential for the correct billing of the 2025 Property Taxes.

Property owners can request corrections for their property for the following reasons: 

  1. errors or omissions in a name or address on the parcel tax roll;
  2. errors or omissions on the inclusion of a parcel;
  3. errors or omissions on the taxable area or frontage of the parcel; or
  4. incorrect allowance or disallowance of an exemption.

The Parcel Tax Roll can be viewed at the CVRD Office at 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (excluding statutory holidays). To have a correction considered by the Panel, written requests must be received on or before 12:30 p.m. Friday, February 7, 2025.  Requests can be delivered in-person or mailed to the following address: 

Cowichan Valley Regional District
ATTN: Finance Division
 175 Ingram Street
 Duncan BC  V9L 1N8

The Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel will meet at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, in the CVRD Boardroom (located on the 2nd floor) to consider written requests and authenticate the parcel tax rolls.

CVRD Services Subject to Parcel Tax

The Surveyor of Taxes is responsible for collecting parcel taxes on behalf of the CVRD for the following CVRD services:

Arbutus Mountain Sewer - Electoral Area B

Arbutus Mountain Water - Electoral Area B

Bald Mountain Sewer - Electoral Area I

Bald Mountain Water - Electoral Area I

Brulette Sewer - Electoral Area A

Burnum Water - Electoral Area B

Carlton Water - Electoral Area B

Central Youbou Water Debt - Electoral Area I

Cherry Point Estates Water - Electoral Area D

Cobble Hill Village Sewer - Electoral Area C

Cobble Hill Street Lighting - Electoral Area C

Cowichan Bay Sewer - Electoral Area D

Dogwood Ridge Water - Electoral Area E

Douglas Hill Water - Electoral Area C & D

Fern Ridge Water - Electoral Area A

Honeymoon Bay Water Debt (Well 1) - Electoral Area F

Honeymoon Bay Water Debt (Well 2) - Electoral Area F

Honeymoon Bay Water - Electoral Area F

Kerry Village Sewer - Electoral Area A

Kerry Village Water - Electoral Area A

Lambourn Sewer - Electoral Area D

Lambourn Water - Electoral Area D

Malahat Sewer - Electoral Area A

Malahat Water - Electoral Area A

Maple Hill Sewer - Electoral Area C

Mesachie Lake Sewer - Electoral area F

Mesachie Lake Water - Electoral Area F

Mill Springs Sewer - Electoral Area A

Saltair Water - Electoral Area G

Satellite Park Water - Electoral Area C

Sentinel Ridge Sewer - Electoral Area A

Shawnigan Beach Estates Sewer - Electoral Area B

Shawnigan Lake North Water - Electoral Area B

Shawnigan Village Water - Electoral Area B

Shell Beach Water - Electoral Area H

Shellwood Water - Electoral Area H

Thetis Island Boat Launch - Electoral Area G

Thetis Island Solid Waste/Recycling - Electoral Area G

Thetis Island Wharf - Electoral Area G

Woodley Range Water - Electoral Area H

Youbou Sewer - Electoral Area I

Youbou Street Lighting - Electoral Area I

Youbou Water - Electoral Area I