Book an Inspection

Contact Building Inspections: 

250.746.2610 or

When booking an inspection by telephone or email, please provide staff with the following:

  1. Permit number
  2. Site address
  3. Inspection requested
  4. Date requested for the inspection
  5. Contact name and telephone number

Please have the approved 'SITE COPY" of the plans on site for inspections.

Typical Inspections Required

The following describes the average inspections required through the building permit process:

  1. Footing: All form and falsework must be completed and inspected before any concrete is placed. Engineered foundations are inspected after the Engineer has done the field review. 
  2. Perimeter Drains: Foundation walls must be damp-proofed and the drain tile in place with drain rock installed. Rain water leaders must be strapped to the foundation every 1.2 metres. 
  3. Water, Sewer, and/or Storm Water Connections
  4. Hydronic Heating, Radon Depressurization, and/or Under Slab Insulation 
  5. Under Slab Plumbing: Complete all under slab plumbing and leave visible for inspection. Drain-waste-vent (DWV) piping must be loaded and subjected to 3 metres of head pressure. 
  6. Rough-in Plumbing: Rough-in plumbing, including potable water (domestic) piping, must be complete. Domestic water lines will be pressure tested. DWV will be under test. 
  7. Chimney/Woodstove: Inspection of the chimney and/or woodstove installation. Certified Wood Energy Technology Transfer professional to have reviewed prior to inspection. 
  8. Exterior Sheathing/Brace Wall Panels: Inspection of the nailing of exterior sheathing is done prior to the installation of sheathing membranes. All braced wall panel locations to be clearly marked out on the interior and exterior. 
  9. Framing: Weather tight and all rough-in by sub-trades completed. British Columbia Land Surveyors (BCLS) Survey to be submitted (where applicable) with the Engineer field review required at time of inspection (where applicable). Exterior windows and doors must be installed and the installation of sheathing membranes completed. Fireblocking, bracing, and rough-ins to be completed prior to inspection. 
  10. Rainscreen/Building Envelope: Also known as a "pre-cladding" or "pre-siding" inspection where we review window and door installation, flashing, bug screen, building wrap, and rainscreen.
  11. Insulation: Insulation and vapour barrier are to be complete prior to inspection. No drywall may be placed (except for fire blocks) prior to inspection. All fan ducts must be connected and terminate at exterior. 
  12. Final: When the dwelling is completed and ready for occupancy. This inspection must be passed before the building may be occupied. The exterior of the building must be complete, including all stairs, decks, handrails, porches, and exterior finishes. Address numbers must be posted in a prominent location and the interior must meet all health and safety requirements. Final site grading is to be complete. Please ensure that all necessary documentation has been submitted (i.e.: BCLS, Septic Letter of Certification, Mechanical Vent Checklist, Schedule C-B, etc.).